

Close your eyes. (Breathe)

Let yourself watch your thoughts.

It’s okay to pause here. To breathe into these places that make you wince & want to shy away.

Let your breath fill you, imagine your breath creating more room in your body.

Are there parts of your body where your breath can't seem to reach, or feel turgid, & tense?

Your body is yours & sacred,

as is your Breath.

Let those pained, tender, or grieving parts of you be held by your Breath.

Tune in to this wondrous space created by your Breath.

You do not need to reject the gifts that come your way. Only to practice gratitude towards it when it does.

You need not be afraid of it.

Greet those rich spaces within you with passion, as one would dance, or sing to their favorite song.

Hold it carefully as one would when cupping water from a clearwater spring.

Listen to what it calls for as one would listen to their oldest, dearest friend.

You need not be afraid.